8th EuroCloud Congress: Cloud, Trust & Security
EuroCloud Forum 2017 is the primary cloud computing event connecting the industry to spread knowledge and stimulate businesses to invest in the cloud ecosystem. We promote the usage of Cloud Computing as it provides the platform for new services and as such is a fundamental game-changer in the digital society.

"Dear Mr. Höllwarth, please receive my congratulations for the successful event at which I had the honor to participate as a speaker about Cloud and Security in the Energy industry. The fact that the event took place together with the Conference of the Belgian Cyber Security Convention was very positive as concerns about security and privacy are among the common arguments against a broader use of cloud services. This combined conference added further value to this already extraordinary event. I was proud to present the Austrian Energy CERT as a role model for private public partnership with the goal to increase security. One of the main confirmations from other speakers was that intra and inter company co-operation is required in cyber security. Finally, I was surprised about the location of the conference center and the nice village of Mechelen. It was well suited for the event which by the way was perfectly organized."
Walter Fraissler (VERBUND)

"Dear Mr. Höllwarth, in your role of president of EuroCloud Europe, please accept my congratulations for the successful event at which I had the privilege to participate as a speaker about Privacy by Design at Cloud. You will find my handout presentation for the participants of the conference enclosed. I very much enjoyed the entire setting of the event and in particular the fact that the event was hosted by the Belgian Cyber Security Convention. In my opinion, this added further value to this already extraordinary event. Although I am looking more on the privacy side of things, I acknowledge Security as an essential pre-requisite for digitalization and absolutely agree that more intra company co-operation is required in cyber security. I found it a ray of hope at the horizon to hear voices affirming that competition should not prevent us of doing so. Finally, I found the location perfectly suited for the event which by the way was perfectly organized. Please feel free to forward my compliments to your partners who have worked together with you on making this outstanding event happen."
Ernst-Oliver Wilhelm (GFT Technologies SE )
This year, the annual EuroCloud Europe Forum took place in Brussels under the motto “Cloud, Trust and Security”.
A Unique B2B Conference Organised by EuroCloud Europe & Operated by Brewery of Ideas

The Organisation
The EuroCloud Forum 2017 connects all parties related to the cloud industry ranging from start-ups, to universities, research centers, government authorities and stakeholders of the cloud industry.
This B2B-conference will be held in Lamot (Mechelen) together with the Belgian Cyber Security Convention.
The Convention
All visitors are invited for a unique day of networking, education and discussions regarding cloud computing.
Participating companies will have the chance to meet potential clients, build relationships and reach a wide audience in the international cloud computing community.

Auditing of Cloud Services

Cloud Privacy & Legal Matters

Data Protection in Cloud

Trust in Cloud

Cloud Economy

How to Purchase Cloud Services

Breaking the Cloud Barrier

Cloud Know How

Tobias Höllwarth
President, EuroCloud Europe (Luxembourg)

Pearse O'Donohue
Acting Director, Future Networks Directorate, DG CONNECT, European Commission (Brussels)

Intelligence Specialist
Name Changed for Security Reasons (Location undisclosed)

Ken Ducatel
Director DG DIGIT, European Commission (Brussels)

Franz Mochty
Head of Unit “Electronic Data Management - Environment”, Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment

Ivana Tepčević
Project Manager and Lead Auditor, SGS Belgrade (Belgrade)

Stefan Leitner
IT Auditor, Erste Group Bank AG (Vienna)

Walter Fraissler
CIO Verbund (Vienna)

Alessandro Santucci
CIO, TransAustria Gas Pipeline (Vienna)

Markus Ramoser
PwC Austria (Vienna)

Ernst-Oliver Wilhelm
Chief Privacy Officer, GFT Technologies SE (Stuttgart)

Peter Balco

Hans Graux
Lawyer, Timelex (Brussels)

Mari-Liis Orav
Lawyer, PwC Legal (Tallinn)

Cécile Porcher
Lawyer, Etude Reding (Luxembourg)

Vencel Hodák
Lawyer, Synch Advokat (Stockholm)

Jens Eckhardt
Lawyer, Derra, Meyer & Partner (Düsseldorf)

Christian Laux
Lawyer, Laux Lawyers (Zürich)

Martin Andenmatten
CEO, Glenfis (Zürich)

Miguel De Bruycker
Managing Director, Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Bart Preneel
Researcher, ESAT - COSIC, Computer Security and Industrial Cryptography KU Leuven

Jan de Blauwe
Head of Global Security, BNP Paribas Fortis

Georges Ataya
Professor & Academic Director, Solvay Brussels School

Maxim Deweerdt
Cyber Analyst, Cert.be

Michel Coene
Technical Security Consultant, NVISO

Rosanna Kurrer
Managing Director, CyberWayFinder

Ulrich Seldeslachts
Executive director, LSEC.eu

Valéry Vander Geeten
Legal Officer, Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Stijn Jans
Legal Officer, Centre for Cybersecurity Belgium

Pierre Ansel
Cyber Security Consulting Director, Thales

Stijn Vande Casteele
Co-founder & CEO, Sweepatic

Xavier Huysmans
09:30 / Opening Tobias Höllwarth (EuroCloud Europe & Peter Buelens (Brewery of Ideas) |
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09:40 / Joining Forces Against Cyber Crime Jan de Blauwe (BNP Paribas Fortis) Governance |
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10:00 / The Belgian Cyber Security Roadmap Miguel De Bruycker (Centre for Cyber Security Belgium) Governance |
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10:30 / The Importance of Certification to Achieve the Objectives of the Digital Single Market Pearse O'Donohue (Future Networks Directorate, DG CONNECT, European Commission) Cloud | 10:30 / The End of the World as We Know it? How to Tackle Security Risks in Internet of Things Stefaan Hinderyckx (Dimension Data) Technology
| 10:30 / Cyber Security Incidents in the Current Threat and Regulatory Landscape – Lesson Learnings and Recommendations Christophe Bianco (Excellium) Governance Platforms | 10:30 / The Enablement of an Identity-Centric SOC in the Regulatory Rumba Era Luca Martelli (Oracle) GDPR Cloud Platforms | |
11:00 / Future Threats and Challenges Intelligence Specialist Cloud | 11:00 / Final Results of the Cybersecurity Industry Market Analysis (CIMA) Ulrich Seldeslachts (LSEC) Governance | 11:00 / WORKSHOP: Discover the Business Benefits of Choosing a Hybrid Cloud Strategy Peter De Gendt (Getronics) Cloud | 11:00 / Cloud & Privacy by Design Ernst-Oliver Wilhelm (GFT Technologies SE) Cloud GDPR | |
11:30 / The Impact of Cloud on IT Security Ken Ducatel, Director DG Digit, European Commission Cloud | 11:30 / Privacy Barometer based on 100+ Projects Lien Keulemans & Kristof Dewulf (Cranium) GDPR | 11:30 / WORKSHOP : Build a Software-Defined Secure Network to Defend Your Business Filip Vanierschot (Juniper Networks) Technology | 11:30 / Reaching Compliance with GDPR Xavier Huysmans (Business & Decision) GDPR | |
12:00 / LUNCH BREAK '60 | ||||
13:00 / The Five Knowledge Domains for a Successful GDPR Implementation Georges Ataya (Solvay Brussels School) GDPR | 13:00 / Cybersecurity Skills Gap: Hacking the Security Supply Chain Rosanna Kurrer (Cyber Way Finder) Governance | 13:00 / Responsible Disclosure and Bug Bounty, the Next Level of Security Testing Valéry Vander Geeten (CCB), Stijn Jans (intigriti) Platforms | 13:00 / Future Proof Security Design for GDPR: How Check Point Protects its Own Data Christof Jacques (Checkpoint) GDPR | 13:00 / Ransomware Concerns: Anatomy of an Attack and Strategies for Recovery Xavi Garcia (Cisco) Tooling Technology Platforms |
13:30 / Supporting Security of Personal Data Processing Dr. Prokopios Drogkaris (ENISA) GDPR Technology | 13:30 / How Can I Protect My Company for Free Against Cyber Risks? Alexander Pluvinage (ING) Governance | 13:30 / A Cyber Security Certification for Small and Medium Companies Frédéric Gelissen (Procsima), Stéphane Vince (ADN - Digital Wallonia) Governance | 13:30 / GDPR, the 20 Most Important Questions Jens Eckhardt (Derra, Meyer & Partner) Cloud GDPR | 13:30 / Cloud, Security in Banks Stefan Leitner (Erste Group Bank AG) Security Know-how
13:50 / Cloud, Security and Energy Dr. Walter Fraissler (Verbund) Security Know-how |
14:00 / And If the GDPR Could Become Your Ally Yves Schellekens & Thomas Van Grembergen (Agoria) GDPR | 14:00 / It's a Cloud, Not a Closet Erik Geensen (RedHat) Cloud Tooling | 14:00 / A Technical Approach in DDoS Mitigation Marc Lampo (Telenet) Technology | 14:00 / 6 Steps to GDPR Compliance Dr. Mark Vandenwauver (Ordina) GDPR | 14:10 / Cloud, Security for Environment Franz Mochty (Austrian Federal Ministry of Environment) Security Know-how |
14:30 / Meeting Europe's Cybersecurity Challenge Together: Policy and Operational Actions Ken Ducatel (European Commission) Governance | 14:30 / What Did We Learn From Running a Bug Bounty Program Over 6 Months Stijn Jans (intigriti), Jean-Francois Simons (Brussels Airlines) Platforms | 14:30 / It's Time to Start Winning the War: Offensive Defense Strategies, Kicking Ass on Your Own Turf Pieter Van Goethem (Cronos Security) Technology | 14:30 / GDPR, Basics Everyone Must Know Hans Graux (Timelex), Mari-Liis Orav (PwC Legal), Cécile Porcher Etude Reding), Vencel Hodák (Synch Advokat) Cloud GDPR | 14:30 / Gas Pipeline Goes Cloud Alessandro Santucci (TransAustria Gas Pipeline) Security Know-how
14:50 / Cloud and Annual Accounts Markus Ramoser (PwC Austria) Know-how |
15:00 / Open Banking APIs Lode Vanstechelman (VASCO Data Security) Platforms | 15:00 / COFFEE BREAK 30' | |||
15:30 / Why Security is No Longer an Option Joeri Barbier (Getronics) Technology | 15:30 / The Reconnaissance Phase of the Kill Chain and How to Gain Visibility + Control on Your Digital Footprint Stijn Vande Casteele (Sweepatic) Technology | 15:30 / Threat Hunting Maxim Deweerdt (CERT.be), Michel Coene (nViso) Technology | 15:30 / GDPR, How to Perform an Assessment Christian Laux (Laux Lawyers) Cloud GDPR | 15:30 / Cloud Services in Education and Knowledge Management Processes Peter Balco Know-how Education
15:45 / Cloud, Quality for the Postal Service Ivana Tepčević (SGS Belgrade) Security Know-how Certification |
16:00 / OpenDXL: enabling intelligence sharing between security devices and orchestrate security operations in real time David Van Damme (McAfee) Platforms | 16:00 / Understanding Threat Landscape, Designing a Defensive Srategy Martijn Nielen (WatchGuard Technologies) Technology Platforms Tooling | 16:00 / Threat Hunting: Tracking Down APT by Large-Scale Analysis of Indicators of Compromise Pierre Ansel (Thales) Technology | 16:00 / GDPR, How to Adapt Your Organisation Martin Andenmatten (Glenfis) Cloud GDPR | 16:00 / Awards & StarAudit Ceremony Awards 2017 |
16:30 / The Future of Security and Privacy Bart Preneel (KULeuven) | ||||
17:00 / CLOSING DRINK '30 |
Venue & Route
The convention is hosted at the Lamot Conference and Heritage Centre in the city of Mechelen. Being right at the heart of Flanders, the convention is accessible by car and public transport.
Event Location
Lamot Congress Centre
Haverwerf, 2800 Mechelen
+32 15 29 49 00
Partners & Speakers

European Commission



Erste Group

PwC Legal





Laux Lawyers

