Best Cloud Service For Horizontal Markets
Winner: "ContactInSky" - InSky Solutions d.o.o.

Winner: "combeenation" - combeenation

2nd Place: "StampManager" - Stamp-Manager GmbH

Best Cloud Service for Vertical Markets
Winner: "Olive Manager" - Combis d.d.d.

2nd Place: "CareOrganise" - SDG - samlinux development group

Best Business Process as a Service Suite
Winner: "Infinity ECM Platform" - Info Novitas d.o.o.

Winner: "instapp" - Appvelox GmbH

One to Watch
Winner: "TresorIT" - Tresorit

In a first phase, the most innovative and influential providers in 2017 will be identified as the national EuroCloud Awards 2017 winners. This phase will be finalized in early Summer 2017.
In a second phase starting in summer 2017, these national EuroCloud Awards winners will also be competing at a European level against other winners from other EuroCloud countries.
In comparison to 2016, the EuroCloud Awards categories have been extended to the increasing maturity of Cloud services on the European market.
Cloud Service Providers, Cloud Consultants, Cloud Start Up’s as well as Cloud Customers and Innovators of all sectors are invited to apply with their convincing Cloud services.
Subject of this competition are Cloud Services on the European market place, whatever their specific shape is. Applications are welcome for IaaS- , PaaS-, SaaS- and for the new category Best Cloud Business Process as a Service Suite BPaaS-services either for horizontal or vertical markets, either in public, private or hybrid cloud environments, either from established Cloud providers or from Start Up’s.
A specific focus is set to Cloud Consultants who are supporting their customer’s transformation process towards cloud services on basis of a proven and successful methodology.
But also cloud customers are invited to apply, who successfully introduced cloud services to their company and who achieved a most positive business impact enabled by the cloud services introduced.
The EuroCloud Awards 2017 Categories Details
- All Categories
While the specific criteria per category as described below will be in focus when reviewed by the expert jury from all participating countries, the general quality, the professionalism and completeness of the application will be of relevance as well.
Categories for Cloud Service Providers
- Best Cloud Service for horizontal markets
This open category caters to cloud services for horizontal markets. Among the specific characteristics that will be determined is the ability of these horizontal cloud services as far as they are likewise used in different branches (e.g. CRM, ERP, Online Storage, Archiving etc.) while fulfilling best requirements for achieving wide market acceptance. Further, the provided functionality offered through strong connectivity and interoperability and a particularly effective use of required data center resources. Of course the provided services need to comply with the requirements regarding data security and data privacy in relation to customers data sensitivity and compliance.
- Best Cloud Service for vertical markets
This open category caters to cloud services for vertical markets. Among the specific characteristics that will be determined is the ability of these vertical cloud services to fulfil the specific requirements of a particular branch or market sector (e.g. Logistics, Public Sector, Agriculture, Chemical Industries, Manufacturing etc.) while fulfilling best requirements for achieving wide market acceptance. Further, the provided functionality offered through strong connectivity and interoperability and a particularly effective use of required data center resources. Of course the provided services need to comply with the requirements regarding data security and data privacy in relation to customers data sensitivity and compliance.
- Best Cloud Business Process as a Service Suite
This open category caters to cloud services for helping business transformation leaders, business process directors and solution architects to improve business outcomes through process reinvention and transformation. Among the specific characteristics that will be determined is the ability of these cloud services as far as they are likewise used in different branches or market sectors (e.g. Logistics, Public Sector, Agriculture, Chemical Industries, Manufacturing etc.) while fulfilling best requirements for achieving wide market acceptance. Further, the provided functionality offered through strong connectivity and interoperability and a particularly effective use of required data center resources. Of course the provided services need to comply with the requirements regarding data security and data privacy in relation to customers data sensitivity and compliance.
- Best Cloud Services provided by Start-Up CSP’s
We are looking for start-up companies three years or younger, distinguishing themselves with innovative and future-oriented cloud services. A particular focus is given to the originality and creativity of the solution. Among the specific characteristics that will be determined in this category are the specific customer benefits enabled by the service, their scalability according to customer’s requirements. A further focus is given by the Goto Market Realization and Growth rate of the Start Up Company. Further, the provided functionality offered through strong connectivity and interoperability and a particularly effective use of required data center resources. Of course the provided services need to comply with the requirements regarding data security and data privacy in relation to customers data sensitivity and compliance.
Categories for Cloud Consultants
- Best Cloud Transformation Methods
In this category companies are invited, who provide first class consultancy services to support customers transformation and migration processes towards the utilization of cloud services. This challenging goal shall be achieved by proven methodologies and tools and shall ensure compliance conformity and a proper handling of potential business impacts for the customer. Expertly and punctual execution of the consulting service shall also be taken into account.
Categories for Cloud Customers:
- Best Business Impact provided by Cloud Services
This category is aiming for companies as cloud customers, who have successfully deployed cloud services and significantly benefited from their use in practice. The achieved user-benefits that companies have obtained whilst using cloud services will be examined. Those benefits can be achieved in various ways: By efficiency gains - such as, for example, through higher productivity or process speed, by achieved competitive advantage or (a percentage of) cost advantages.
If you would like to apply for a EuroCloud <National> Award, please first read the following…
Terms and Conditions and the Application Process
Who can apply?
- Any company with headquarters or at least one office in <Nation> who offers its products or services to the <National> market, can apply for the EuroCloud <National> Awards.
- Companies who apply for the Start-Up category must not have been active on the market for more than three years.
- For the Cloud Service Users category, every company using a specific cloud service can apply. There is a requirement, however, that the cloud service has been operational for at least 6 months and has completed an underlying cloud service provider contract. The provider’s headquarters, or at least one of their offices, should be located in <Nation>.
- The winners of the EuroCloud <National> Awards are automatically entered into the EuroCloud Europe Awards, unless participation will explicitly declined in writing.
- All applications for the EuroCloud Europe Awards 2017 must be submitted in English.
Is a membership with EuroCloud <National> a requirement for participation?
- A membership with EuroCloud is not a requirement for applying, but of course warmly welcomed.
Are there fees involved with applying?
- The national EuroCloud organisation may introduce a fee for the participation in the national EuroCloud Awards.
- Only the winners of the national EuroCloud Awards can participate in the EuroCloud Europe Awards.
- For the participation in the EuroCloud Europe Awards 2017 a participation fee of 500 € is obligatory and shall be submitted before 14th of July 2017 via the national EuroCloud organization.
Confidentiality and Privacy
- All application documents, data and presentations will be kept confidential by EuroCloud Europe and the jury members and will only be used for purposes of application processing, assessment and presentation as part of the awards ceremony
- Any further use will be subject of prior approval by the applicant.
Nominees and winners are determined by the jury. The decision is final. Should a category receive less than three applications, EuroCloud <National> reserves the right not to awards any company for that category.
The jury is composed of independent experts from different cloud expertise and distinction. The jury for the EuroCloud Europe Awards will be published, along with the application deadline, on the EuroCloud Europe Awards website.
Application Process
The application process consists of an application form. Submissions will be accepted as of 30th of June 2017, 6:00 PM. At the end of the form you have the option to send us your complete application documents as a file upload. These should include:
- A brief profile of your cloud services / your company (max. 1 A4 page).
- A statement that distinguishes your cloud service / company and why your company should win the awards (maximum one A4 page).
- Your application presentation. You are free to present in whatever style or design you feel is most appropriate, but your presentation should contain meaningful and useful information that aims at convincing our judges you should be a winner. Familiarise yourself with the above criteria and make it transparent, why your service or your company has earned a EuroCloud Awards (maximum 10 slides).
So that, in the event of winning the national EuroCloud Award, your application must be in English from the outset, ensuring that preparation for your participation at a European Level is minimal.