The preparatory work for the reform of the Monegasque data protection law (Act No. 1.165 of 23 December 1993,...
Herbstevent von Eurocloud Swiss
Eurocloud Swiss hat Start-ups und Cloud-Anbieter in das Institut für Jungunternehmen in Schlieren eingeladen....
Significant fines imposed by the Bulgarian Commission for Personal Data...
Earlier in 2019 the Bulgarian data protection supervisory authority – the Bulgarian Commission for Personal Data...
Obligation of Notification of Personal Data Violations to Turkish DPA
Law on Protection of Personal Data numbered 6698 provides under the article titled “Data Security Liabilities”...
Serbia - readiness/lack of readiness of controllers and processors and knowledge...
In August 2019, Serbia started applying new Law on Personal Data Protection. Many challenges were expected before...
New European judgment on cookies
In its recent judgment in the “Planet49 case”, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) held that...
New Greek law on GDPR
Following a fast track procedure, the Greek Parliament adopted Law 4624/2019, which frames the provisions of the...
Washington Privacy Act Proposal Increases Pressure for Federal Legislation
In the wake of the EU GDPR and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), Washington State has recently become the...
Recent decisions of the Austrian Data Protection Authority (3/3)
This article presents the third out of three interesting decisions on Austrian data protection law, in particular...
Would you like some cookies?
When users browse through the internet, cookies perform multi-faceted functions for the benefit of both the...
Recent decisions of the Austrian Data Protection Authority (2/3)
This article presents the second out of three interesting decisions on Austrian data protection law, in particular...
The Italian Data Protection Authority Limits the Sending of Advertising and...
For the first time, the Italian Data Protection Authority has exercised its power of "warning" provided by the...
Recent decisions of the Austrian Data Protection Authority (1/3)
This article presents the first out of three interesting decisions on Austrian data protection law, in particular...
The Spanish DPA (AEPD) issues a model report to help carry out data protection...
The AEPD published in July 2019 a model report to help Public Administrations carry out im-pact assessments on data...
€ 150.000,- GDPR fine imposed on PWC by Greek Data Protection Authority for...
The Greek HDPA (Hellenic Data Protection Authority) imposed a fine of € 150.000,- on PWC Greece.
GDPR - the real threat to privacy?
Over 2 years, GDPR and personal data protection has been discussed across the EU. Vast majority of companies,...
The Austrian quality seal “Austrian Cloud” is increasingly gaining traction
More and more Austrian companies are working through the strict Self-Assessment catalogue with 90 criteria and...
Fine of € 460.000,- imposed on Dutch Haga Hospital by Dutch Data Protection...
This first fine under the GDPR is imposed on the Dutch Haga Hospital for having an insufficient internal security...
Slovenia’s DPA says mere possession of processing equipment does not amount to...
Slovenian courts have in place a system for audio recording of court hearings. The data recorded (which in itself...
Welcome to Croatian version of GDPR - Introduction
First, I would like to thank the members and the entire EuroCloud organization for letting me join their ranks. I...