Hearings in preparation of the GDPR
The Danish Ministry of Justice has begun its work with the Danish adoption of the General Data Protection...
Workshop moderation at LSZ CIO Spring conference
Waidhofen, 14th March 2017: Workshop moderation at LSZ CIO Spring conference
GDPR: a new hope for the use of BCRs for cloud providers in Portugal
The GDPR brings a new hope for the application of BCRs, especially for cloud providers (as processors), as they are...
The new law on personal data protection: legislative process in Slovakia has...
In January 2017, the Office for Personal Data Protection of the Slovak Republic initiated the legislative process...
Polish Data Protection Authority recommends encrypting email
Polish DPA recent opinion on encryption as preferred response to confidentiality risks associated with email.
Two selected decisions on Austrian data protection law
A case of the DSB (Austrian Data Protection Office) and one of the VwGH (Austrian Administrative Supreme Court) are...
Meeting of project SECCAT at Ministry of Finance
Vienna, 14th February 2017: Meeting of project SECCAT at Ministry of Finance to discuss the development of an...
Meeting at the offices of Alain Bensoussan Avocats Lexing
Paris, 6th of February 2017: meeting at the offices of Alain Bensoussan Avocats Lexing with Alain Bensoussan, Eric...
Malta IT Law Association (MITLA) workshop on Cloud Computing
The Malta IT Law Association (MITLA) organised a workshop on Cloud Computing on the 12th of December 2016.
Lecture at Donau University Krems
Krems; 24th Nov 2016: Lecture at Donau University Krems: „Driver of thechnology changes – focus Cloud”.
Data Protection Law Made Easy
Lawyers from 32 countries have created the Cloud Privacy Check (CPC), the largest European information platform...
Speech at WIFI event called “Cloud / Security and IT Trends”
Vienna, 17th November 2016: Speech at WIFI event called “Cloud / Security and IT Trends”
CPC conference Vienna, 28th-30th of October
Contributors of the CPC projects from 20 countries met in Vienna for two days to prepare for the publications of...
EuroCloud Forum 2016: The latest European cloud policy and technology...
One of the largest events of the European cloud sector, the EuroCloud Forum, has taken place on 5-6 of october in...
First Government StarAudit Cloud Certificate achieved
19th of October, Taiwan’s Food and Drug Authority achieved the StarAudit Certification. The audit of this complex...
The EU data landscape: Striking the balance between regulation and innovation
In order for Europe to take full advantage of cloud computing and the data economy, we need to strike the right...
The European cloud initiative – a bright outlook for cloud in Europe
Data is the oil of the 21st century digital economy and cloud is its engine. Europe needs to make sure that its...