Fabasoft once again awarded the highest certification level by the EuroCloud...
Linz, 10 July 2019. For the fourth time in a row, the cloud service of the company from Linz has been awarded all...
One year of GDPR in Estonia
Each Spring, the Estonian Data Protection Inspectorate (DPI) publishes its Annual, summarising its main activities...
GDPR IN NUMBERS – The Irish Perspective
To mark the occasion of GDPR's first anniversary, findings and statistics tracked from May 2018 to May 2019...
Presentation of the SECCAT project
Vienna, 27 June: Presentation of the SECCAT project developed together with Rebuco, the Federal Ministry of the...
Portuguese Law implementing GDPR finally approved
On the 14th of June 2019 (one year later than expected) Portugal has finally approved Draft Law no. 120/XIII/3.ª...
Defining Tender Criteria for Cloud Services Correctly
Vienna, 25 June: Annual seminar “Defining Tender Criteria for Cloud Services Correctly” in cooperation with the...
GDPR: A Game Changer for Cloud Contracts
Until recently, most IT contracts, even the large-scale ones, were generally based on a simple purchase order and...
Meeting between EuroCloud Europe and the Chinese Institute of Electronics
Beijing, 19th June 2019: Meeting Dr. Ning Huicong (Chinese Institute of Electronics) once again to discuss the...
The EU Cybersecurity Act: a new Era dawns on ENISA
On 7th June 2019, the EU Cybersecurity Act was published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Cloud benefits still massively underestimated
Publication in Business Reporter by Dr. Tobias Höllwarth, President of EuroCloud Europe, Director of the StarAudit...
The 4th StarAudit Catalogue version has been released
We've introduced a new Area focused on GDPR and several enhancements to existing controls as part of this major...
Legislative and practical adjustments in Bulgaria implementing GDPR
Earlier in 2019 Bulgaria has become another European Union member to adopt the EU’s privacy regime. The Bulgarian...
The Danish Data Protection Agency has reported a large Danish taxi company to...
The Danish Data Protection Agency has reported the taxi company, Taxi 4x35, to the police and recommended the...
Microsoft Office Enterprise version as used at EU institutions may conflict with...
The EU data protection authority EDPS is investigating whether the contracts of EU agencies with Microsoft conform...
Salesforce shut down its infrastructure after a huge outage that is still...
Salesforce is facing a huge outage and it shut down a good portion of its infrastructure due to a change to the...
Serbia: New Law on Personal Data Protection
At the end of November 2018, the new Law on Personal Data Protection (Law) came into force but its application was...
FIC Advisory Board: Meeting on the 45th floor of Tour Montparnasse in Paris
Dr. Tobias Höllwarth, President of EuroCloud Europe, is a Member of the International Cybersecurity Forum's...
The Belgian data protection authority bans the use of private sector logins as...
The Belgian tax authorities maintain an online repository called FisconetPlus, on which tax payers can find key...
Slovak list of processing operations which are subject to the requirement for a...
Where a type of processing in particular using new technologies, and taking into account the nature, scope, context...
Challenges for Companies with an Israel Nexus
In May 2018, the Israeli Protection Of Privacy Regulations (Data Security 2017) (the “Regulations”) came into...