Activity of the personal data supervisory authority of Monaco (CCIN): Increase...
This article outlines the complaints addressed to the CCIN by data subjects, the number of which, in proportion to...
Processing Children’s Data Correctly: Takeaways from the Recent TikTok Decision
In September 2023, the Irish Data Protection Commission (“DPC”) adopted its final decision in an own-volition...
Analysis of Legal Functionality in the Face of Technological Advancement, Case...
This article analyses the impact of advancing neurotechnology on human rights, particularly regarding cognitive...
The Brazilian National Data Protection Authority’s View On Artificial...
Despite Brazil having it’s own all-encompassing law on data protection (i.e. the General Data Protection Law -...
How does India’s new privacy law compare to GDPR?
India is now one-month into its grand experiment with data privacy regulation, having replaced a decade-old set of...
Cyberattacks based on the victim´s compliance
Information security compliance has become now a new exploit that cybercriminals are taking advantage from,...
New CPRA Regs are here again!
California Privacy Protection Agency issues new amendments to the CPRA regs for discussion in its upcoming December...
Understanding data transfers and data transmissions under Mexican Data...
You may want to avoid getting lost in translation when preparing a data transfer to or from Mexico. We have...
Chile on the way to GDPR standards.
Even though Chile was the first Latin American country to have a data privacy regulation and has developed one of...
Managing cyber attacks has always been a complex task and, in almost every scenario, it implied the dismissal of...
Data Protection vs. Anti-Doping Measures - Advocate General Ćapeta Perspective
This case highlights the challenging balance between safeguarding data privacy and preserving the integrity of...
Cyber Security Breaches in Hong Kong: A Growing Trend and a Call to Action
Hong Kong is grappling with a surge in cyber security breaches, prompting the authority to take proactive measures....
Violation of personal data protection by the City of Trnava as the Controller of...
In a recent decision by the Office for Personal Data Protection, we witnessed a case of violation of the Personal...
Hungary is prepared to introduce a new act which would further digitize the...
The new Hungarian Digital Citizenship Act would make communication with public administration, as well as...
Privacy of war crimes victims
The right for Privacy is a fundamental right according to Israeli law but it is a relative right. How should State...
This is how Costa Rica closes 2023 in terms of privacy and data protection
2023 has been a year of growth and learning for Costa Rica in terms of privacy. Two takeaways on local supervisory...
Extraterritorial Implications of Turkish Data Protection Legislation
This article explores the regulatory landscape for data controllers located outside Turkey and their obligations...
CaliforniAI: New Executive Order takes on Generative AI
California Governor, Gavin Newsom, issues Executive Order on Generative AI, which echoes some points in the recent...
Constitutional Court: The Criteria for Access to Traffic Data Too Loose
Slovenia’s Constitutional Court found the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act (CPA) enabling the prosecution...
A thin line between a typo and a data breach: A case study in enhancing data...
In a recent case, the Serbian Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection issued...