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EuroCloud supports EU Commission developing a European Cloud Security Certification


Madrid, 26 Feb: Two-day DSM Cloud Stakeholder Plenary in Madrid. The EU Commission has charged the European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA) with developing a European Security Certification. The European Cloud Service Provider Certification working group (CSPCert) is a private-public stakeholder group for exploring the topic and providing recommendations to ENISA, the European Commission and the EU member states.

Comprised of various stakeholders, the working group is being professionally moderated by its co-chair and passionate European Helmut Fallmann (Fabasoft). The rapporteur is lawyer Hans Graux from Belgium (Timelex), who is also a member of EuroCloud CPC. Tobias Höllwarth is a drafting member of CSPCert and represents EuroCloud Europe in the working group. On the photo (left to right): Tobias Höllwarth (President, EuroCloud Europe), Pierre Chastanet (Head of Cloud & Software Unit, EU Commission), Helmut Fallmann (CEO, Fabasoft).

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EuroCloud is an independent non-profit organization and consists of a two-tier setup where organisations form all European countries can apply to participate in as long as they respect the EuroCloud Statutes.

To act as a true European player, all programs that are developed are intended to be European activities. These European programs are the strength of EuroCloud as a whole. Respect to local cultures along with the will to promote a real European spirit.
