Stijn Vande Casteele
Co-founder & CEO, Sweepatic
All organisations face a variety of threat actors from corporate or state-sponsored spies to organized criminals, script kiddies, terrorists and cyber activists. While their motives may vary, threat actors are united in their desire to reach their objectives. Recognizing they don’t get a lot of second chances in achieving their objectives, threats actors typically spend a lot of time in carefully planning their next target. Generally, the more sophisticated the attack, the more complex and thorough the attack planning, and consequently the greater the information gathering and reconnaissance need. The talk will cover an introduction to reconnaissance, why organisations should be aware and how they can up their game to be at the same level of their adversaries.
Stijn holds a Masters degree in Information Security from Royal Holloway, University of London and several active certifications. He’s an entrepreneur and cyber security professional with 15 years of hands-on experience. Having worked for startups and several enterprise organizations in both private and public sector, Stijn is skilled to combine his industry experience, business insight and technical know-how towards all levels in the organization. As Sweepatic’s co-founder and CEO of Sweepatic, Stijn is responsible for growing the company. He works with customers, partners and the Sweepatic teams on a daily basis to further evolve the Sweepatic reconnaissance and counterintelligence offerings in making organisations and the internet a safer place.
Speech: "The reconnaissance phase of the kill chain and how to gain visibility + control on your digital footprint."