Tracking of employee location data is a significant violation of privacy...
In recent years, and especially in recent times when remote work has become more common, the practice of employers...
New Rules on Automotive Data Security to be Effective on 1 Oct 2021
The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has circulated the Provisions on the Management of Automotive Data...
GAFAM or not GAFAM, that is (still) the question?
After the “Schrems II” decision of the European Court of Justice invalidating the Privacy Shield framework and...
Part II: What Could Privacy Reform Look Like in Canada? Insights from Bill C-11
Bill C-11 died on the order paper in August when the Canadian federal election was called. In this article we...
The Spanish Data Protection Authority (AEPD) publishes its Annual Report...
This Annual Report comprehensively collects the activities carried out by this institution, most relevant facts and...
Upcoming: the 6th INPLP annual conference
Vienna, Austria
19 - 21 November 2021
60th FITCE International Congress
Vienna, Key-note at the FITCE conference on the occasion of its 60th anniversary.
Polish administrative court rules that the GDPR does not grant power to the data...
The Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw ruled that Polish Data Protection Supervisory Authority is not...
New Italian cookie Guidelines: this is how the regulation of users' browsing...
On 9 July 2021, the Italian DPA released the new guidelines on the use of cookies. The purpose of these new...
Nothing to risk – data transfers to third countries under the GDPR
Due to their extreme importance in an increasingly digitalised and globalised economy, data transfers to third...
First GDPR code of conduct for a European sovereign cloud
The CISPE code of conduct simplifies data processing contracts under the GDPR and lays the foundations for a...
Data breach in the Estonian Information System Authority results in photos of...
A hacker was able to obtain the identification document photos of almost 300,000 people from a state database....
Ecuador: 3 challenges to progress and avoid the nightmare
The first ecuadorian data protection law have just came into force the last May 26th. Ecuador now starts a long and...
Right of access pursuant to Art. 15 GDPR – News from Germany
Germany’s Federal Court of Justice decided on the scope of data subject’s rights under Art. 15 GDPR - and set...
Blockchain and the GDPR: Clash of the Titans
At the legal intersection between the emerging distributed ledger technolgies and data privacy a lot has been said...
FDPIC publishes guidance on auditing the transfer of personal data abroad
The Federal Data Protection and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) has published in its new guidance how to proceed...
Technical Cooperation Agreement between the National Data Protection Authority...
Following one of ANPD’s main goals set out in its strategic agenda for 2021-2023, which includes establishing an...
Request for Preliminary Rulings on Data Controllers Liability in Case of a Data...
The Bulgarian Supreme Administrative Court has referred several questions to the CJEU regarding preliminary rulings...
A new member has joined the INPLP: Pablo Arteaga (Ecuador)
M. Bodero & Asociados is an Ecuadorian Law Firm, specialized in investment issues, complex transactions, business ...
Damages For GDPR Violation – Austrian Supreme Court Refers Several Questions To...
The Austrian Supreme Court paved the way for a more coherent interpretation of the GDPR regarding damages by...