Athletes' Performance Data & Project Red Card
This article provides an insight to the ever increasing market of performance analysis and the intersection with...
The new Slovak Electronic Communication Act shall change opt-out regime to...
The use of cookies will therefore no longer be linked to the passivity of the users concerned (opt-out). Anyone who...
Use of Google analytics violates the GDPR - Recent decision of the austrian data...
The Austrian Data Protection Authority (DPA) decided in a recent groundbreaking decision (22nd of December 2021,...
The Norwegian Data Processing Authority issues USD 7.2 million fine to U.S....
Following an investigation carried out by the Norwegian Consumer Council, the Norwegian Data Processing Authority...
Data posted on Facebook vs GDPR in the light of the Warsaw WSA judgement
What the exemption from the application of the Regulation due to private and domestic purposes is? Polish Regional...
Constitutional Court: No IP address to be Revealed Without a Court Order
The Constitutional Court of the Republic of Slovenia annulled the criminal conviction for an online defamation,...
Are you a controller or a processor? Assess carefully.
It often happens that we get confused by the difference between a controller and a processor. The problem may arise...
Why Is Nigeria’s Obligatory Mandate And Safeguards On International Data...
Transfer of data has become a major subject of international trade, and understanding the prerequisite for such...
6th INPLP conference – great success
The 6th INPLP Conference was successfully held in Vienna under the auspices of EuroCloud Europe
Malta amends its rules relating to personal data processing in education
Malta has recently amended its rules in relation to the processing of personal data in the educational sector.
SCCs and CoCs and BCR – Untangling the Web and Spotting the Difference
Under GDPR, data export to third countries is only permitted if the conditions under Chapter 5 are met. The...
New draft law on the "right to be forgotten" for those who have overcome serious...
Last October, the Portuguese parliament approved in a final vote a draft law that establishes the "right to be...
China’s New Data Laws
China has recently introduced two new data laws which as well as bringing the rules in relation to personal data in...
When AI met privacy
How to fulfil the data protection obligations when using artificial intelligence? One of the main issues of concern...
New guidelines on teleworking by the Greek Data Protection Authority
Responding to the extensive and intensive remote working during the Covid-19 pandemic and the risks that are...
Class actions against big tech in the Netherlands
Big tech is getting sued for billions. What are these claims based on and who is supporting them? A short article...
Back to work: open sesame!
The health situation in Luxembourg has been stable for several weeks now which allows for a possible return to a...
Additional Six Months Period For Implementation Of The New Law On Personal Data...
Facing the fact that the complaince with the new Law on Personal Data Protection was not in line with the planned...
Cry and pray some more: Garante issues Schrems II decision
Garante prohibits further data transfer and fines university 200,000EUR and for SchremsII failures in retaining a...
Ministry of Health of the Province of San Juan Receives Sanction for Database...
Argentina’s data protection authority, the Agency of Access to Public Information, i.e. the controlling authority...